December 16 2022 V0.3

| December 16 2022 V0.3

| -Implemented Penetration
| --Was kinda wonky to do but introduced a hit list to prevent a bullet colliding with the same object multiple times. 

| -Realized something about an upgrade system
| --Upgrades are a property of the tower, but affect the bullet. How do I change the variables for the exact instance of the bullet? Will I just have to make new objects for each upgraded bullet? There has to be an easier way, right?

| -Turning Towers
| --Managed to get the towers to face whatever they're shooting. I was worried for a bit that I'd have to figure out how to adjust where the projectile is shot from, but image_angle seems to affect not just the sprite itself but the entire object, so I'm sorted there.

| -Edited ZephyrTower Design and Converted to T1.
| --Spent unnatural amounts of time on the shuriken design. Maen.

| -New Realization about Upgrade Systems
| --I was worried about having to create some sort of reference array system in order to enable upgrades, but if I'm making each upgrade a separate object that the tower replaces itself with, then all I really need to do is create one upgrade for each tower object technically aye? Maybe I am a genius.

| -Select
| --Enabled selecting and deselecting towers, and made it so that selecting a tower deselects all towers. It's going to be a pain in the backside making this a parent object, but we move, we move.

| -Upgrades
| --Upgrading works. I'm an absolute legend for figuring this out. There's no way this is the right way to do it, but do I look like I care? Haha, nope.


| Backing the project up so I can now attempt to convert the tower into a parent object. If this goes smoothly, the only thing I'll have left to figure out is tower placement and level progression (which, technically, I should have done much earlier, but we move).

| Here goes nothing.

| So that was a disaster, I'm only going to use the parent object to make it so that they can be deselected. Everything else is going to be based on each individual tower, it'll make it much easier to customize the towers.

| It's working though. We got the upgrade system. All I need to do is actually theoretically design the game, and then finish up those two things I said earlier (yeah, I forgot what those two things are).

| I should also comment the code eventually.

Get Elementals TD

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